

Influencer marketing is a type of strategy used by brands to give their messages a larger reach, using influential people who help them spread their message. With this strategy, they’re able to reach their target audience in a way which is more natural.

Influencers connect directly with users through their social media networks or blogs. Their followers admire them, trust their opinions, and some even want to be like them. Their ability to influence others is undeniable, which is why they’re kept very much top of mind by brands when they want to take an action, implement an ad campaign on social media, conduct events or for many other brand strategies.

The Importance of Micro-influencers

Micro-influencers, ordinary people, can be a very important component in a marketing strategy.

A micro-influencer doesn’t need to be famous or accumulate legions of fans. Normally they have a smaller number of followers, but of a very high quality, since they are usually people with whom they have some kind of tie (friends, family, work colleagues..) and over whom they have a high degree of influence. At the end of the day, what people we know say to us is a lot more valuable than what someone says who doesn’t even know that we exist.


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